Ginger Hotel in Indore i Indore

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndienGinger Hotel in Indore


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Agra Bombay Road, Off NH 3, Beside Raj TV Office, Near Shaniwar Darpan, Post LIG Square, Chhoti Khajrani, Press Complex, Indore, Madhya Pradesh 452008, India
kontakter telefon: +91 731 666 3333
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Latitude: 22.7362481, Longitude: 75.8914626

kommentar 5

  • Surendar Raghu

    Surendar Raghu


    Good Hotel With Great Hospitality and Good Ambience For The Stay. I was here on a Business Trip and liked the stay at Ginger Hotel. It has some good amenities such as Gym, Laundry, Guest Pantry and Pressing Rooms. The thing that we didnt like was that the Queen sized in double occupancy Rooms. May be that can be changed. Also its a 12 to 12 Check in Hotel not a 24hrs Check In Hotel.

  • en



    The hotel is situated on good location. Hotel ambience is excellent. Staff is very cooperative. Cleanliness is good. Cafe coffee day is at the ground floor of the hotel. So, you can get hot and cold beverages of your choice. The quality of room service is just above average. Hotel tariffs are moderate expensive. Even, common toilets for guests are very neat and clean. Complimentary breakfast in morning is really awesome. They greet the customers upon arrival of the restaurant entrance. Overall nice experience!! Good option to stay with family and friends. Thank you!!

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    sachin joshi


    Good overall experience compared to the cost. This is definitely not a luxury hotel and one shouldn't expect any such thing. Okay for business stay for a night. Cleanliness of bathroom can be improved

  • Anshuman D. Tapase

    Anshuman D. Tapase


    This has always been an amazing anywhere u go. Staff well trained. Food well organised. Service well maintained. I call this a no problem hotel

  • en

    Aashish More


    Nice place to stay but at little high cost compare to service and space in the room. Reception staff is good and co-operative also manager use to visit once a week for customers reviews that's good thing. Have limited but nice tasty menu in the hotel which you can order in room.

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