Golden Tulip Lucknow i Lucknow

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndienGolden Tulip Lucknow


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6, Station Road, Udaiganj, Husainganj, Udaiganj, Husainganj, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 226001, India
kontakter telefon: +91 522 672 2000
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.8382271, Longitude: 80.9344795

kommentar 5

  • en

    Mohit Bagayatkar


    Breakfast menu was good. Stay has all facilities and services. Room allocated was smelling of cigarettes. The room light switches are not located appropriately. Bathroom drain is not designed properly.

  • Shrishti Gupta

    Shrishti Gupta


    It's a very nice place. We had contacted MODEL UNITED NATION there .. the hall spacing environment was perfect. There is an top floor swimming pool which give the hotel nice look . You can conduct various functions there as well as food and hospitality was up to the mark . I enjoyed there for two days.

  • Vaibhav Verma

    Vaibhav Verma


    The hotel is nice. Well constructed. Ample parking space. Very comfortable rooms. Food is quite good. The hotel serves as a venue for various events. But ever since the construction work of metro has begun it is hectic to reach there.

  • Jerry Tom

    Jerry Tom


    A very neat and clean place with good service quality. I went for a conference and had a good time there. That hall was quite big to organise a well party there also.altogether it was good time there.

  • en

    Kenneth J


    Was definitely surprised to see a neat place in a questionable locality. Booked it on Make my trip for a very reasonable price and it did not disappoint. Staff was courteous and efficient. Didn't try having a meal at the restaurant though so can't comment on that, but in terms of accommodation and service this place deserves a 10/10 at this price point.

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