Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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N.349/3, Bangalore Bye Pass Road, Narasothipatty, Narasothipatti, Salem, Tamil Nadu 636004, India
kontakter telefon: +91 427 277 7770
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Latitude: 11.6833749, Longitude: 78.1256481

kommentar 5

  • Solomon Selvaraj

    Solomon Selvaraj


    It's a wonderful Hotel to stay in. The staffs are very Cooperative and helpful. You can find three to four person to help you at the lobby always. The complementary buffet breakfast was awesome!

  • gopal kuna

    gopal kuna


    This hotel is located on the Bangalore coimbatore highway, good location. Rooms are good, ambiance is fine for a B class city. Non smoking rooms are not smoking free. Service is good, but there is scope to improve.

  • John Williams

    John Williams


    Great place for an overnight stay in Salem. The hotel is located in the National Highway, which is very convenient for those driving towards Bangalore/Chennai/Erode/Coimbatore. The rooms are very spacious for a family stay and the tariff is moderate compared to the facilities. The staff are very friendly and welcoming. However, the housekeeping needs improvement (it took more than 30 minutes for them to give an extra towel). There's a 24 hours coffee shop that serves midnight buffet (taste is not so great though, but worth if you are very hungry after a long drive).

  • Nawaz Sheriff

    Nawaz Sheriff


    Pleasant to stay and closer to the Bus stand and the railway station. Good variety of foods in the restaurant. You ll have complementary breakfast for a night stay and that's extraordinary. Usually complementary breakfasts are not up to the mark in some hotels, this one is not one of such kind.

  • en

    Satish Ramaswamy


    Very good hotel with courteous staff. The room was clean including the bathroom. The breakfast had an amazing spread of items and the taste was equally good. All mention to the croissant and pinball. I would recommend to anybody with reasonable budget

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