Grand Hotel i Agra

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndienGrand Hotel


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137, Station Road, Agra Cantt, Idgah Colony, Agra, Uttar Pradesh 282001, India
kontakter telefon: +91 562 222 7511
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Latitude: 27.1580418, Longitude: 78.0004148

kommentar 5

  • en

    R. A. Enterprises


    Best Hotel in the area, location is good, very near to the Railway Station, to the Bus Station, Very popular market Sadar Bazar is also near about.

  • Abhinav Kulshreshth

    Abhinav Kulshreshth


    My experience here was okay. The rooms were big and spacious with amenities such as TV, mini fridge, electric tea kettle. House keeping kept the rooms clean. Every morning house keepers came to clean it, and even cleaned a room so nicely that their mobile went missing (the people staying). The food was poor as for a 3 star hotel. The cell reception was very poor. Once you enter the hotel, just forget that you have an activated net pack or have to talk to anyone by phone. The hotel has a WiFi but will not give you the password to use it. The hotel's building was good and appreciable with a good decoration for weddings. The rooms were also air conditioned but the switch for AC wasn't to be found by anyone.

  • en

    Gaurav Kulshrestha


    Good place for stay & also as a wedding venue... Staff is good & cooperative... However for weddings, although everything was great, the space seemed to be congested for a gathering of about 500+ persons..

  • en

    Yogesh Vaidya


    Good place to stay. Careful for water test.

  • en

    Ashima Bansal


    Good hotel The staff is nice and the rooms are comfortable and cozy. A ground is also there in front of the rooms. A good hotel for school tours. Overall a good hotel.

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