Guntur Medical College i Guntur

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IndienGuntur Medical College


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Kanna Vari Thota, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh 522004, India
kontakter telefon: +91 863 223 4625
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Latitude: 16.2982124, Longitude: 80.4383123

kommentar 5

  • Environment



    Very old college The doctors from here are very famous

  • Sunil B

    Sunil B


    Excellent college, those who are studied here now in very high positions.

  • Vamsi Krishna Bapathu

    Vamsi Krishna Bapathu


    One of the best medical colleges of andhra pradesh

  • Damodhar Jangam

    Damodhar Jangam


    Guntur Medical College is one of the premiere medical institutions in south India. It is located in the heart of city of Guntur, the knowledge hub of Andhra Pradesh. The institution, established in the Pre independent India, has come a long way since 1946, the year of its inception. Guntur Medical College today not only offers undergraduate courses with an annual intake of 200 students but also various medical Specialities including non clinical, Para clinical and Clinical branches. The College is affiliated to the Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences and works in conjunction with Government General Hospital, a tertiary care hospital with 1170 beds, catering to the needs of people of Coastal districts of Andhra Pradesh. The institution is well known for the rich clinical material and the quality of research work. Guntur Medical College is one of the few centres in the country to have satellite based training. The College library has 28,000 books and subscribes to more than 100 journals including access to another 100 E-Journals. A great asset to the institution is the ultra modern air conditioned auditorium, which was built with contributions from GMCANA. It has the latest audiovisual equipment and seating capacity for 900. A new super speciality complex Podila Prasad– GMCANA Super speciality and Trauma Centre, with state of the art facilities is nearing completion in Government General Hospital to meet the ever increasing health needs of the Public.

  • Mark Sathish

    Mark Sathish


    Students studied here are almost notable alumni& popular in India & USA. Intermediate students study very hard to get seat in this college,as getting admission is very tough & also having very huge competition. Since Guntur general hospital(GGH) is very near to it & also it's very famous, i saw students of GMC practicing here. I used to play badminton in This college in my intermediate,the infrastructure is very bad including classes and hostels,not maintained well and very old buildings.

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