Hindu College Moradabad i Moradabad

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IndienHindu College Moradabad


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Budh Bazaar, Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh 244001, India
kontakter telefon: +91 591 231 4992
internet side: www.hinducollegembd.com
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Latitude: 28.8328046, Longitude: 78.768241

kommentar 5

  • Arbab Khan

    Arbab Khan


    One of the oldest and famous degree college in Moradabad affiliated with MJP Rohilkhand University. No Good Study atmosphere here. Bas exam dene aana hai yaha😂😂

  • Interesting India

    Interesting India


    One of the best college in moradabad

  • Shubham Singh Mahori

    Shubham Singh Mahori


    It's a old and big degree college in Moradabad.

  • gurdeep singh

    gurdeep singh


    Hindu College is run by the Hindu Educational Society which comprises a number of philanthropic and enthusiastic citizens of the town. Hindu college was established in 1911 as a Middle school, in 1916 it was upgraded in High school and latter in 1937 it was converted into Intermediate College. In 1949 and 1950 it was recognized as Degree and P.G. College, respectively. Till 1960 B.Sc., M.Sc. (Maths), Commerce and B.Ed. classes. Hindu College was first affiliated to Agra University, and later to with the establishment of Rohilkhand University presently known as Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Rohilkhand University in 1973. Hindu college is situated in the heart of the city- STATION ROAD. The college is 0. 5 Km form Railway Station and 0.8 Km form Bus Stations.

  • Murtza Abbas

    Murtza Abbas


    one of the oldest college of Moradabad. I have done my graduation 🎓 from this college. it is the second biggest college of M.J.P.R University.

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