HKVK i Ahmedabad

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Ellis Bridge, 380006, Ahmedabad, Ahmedabad, IN India
kontakter telefon: +91 88662 81882
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Latitude: 23.023039, Longitude: 72.572175

kommentar 5




    Taken services related to GST and income tax. The HKVK Team follow up with you for all the deadline of GST and Income tax regularly when your are busy with doing your business. And ensure that your compliant with all the deadline. It is very important now days in GST scenarios which save your money which going to be paid in Penalty.Fully satisfied with the consultancy.

  • Mittal Solanki

    Mittal Solanki


    I am Ecommerce Seller. Selling of my Jewellary product in all marketplace. In Intial stage I dont know How to handle GST compliance.I am Stuck. after that I have contacted HKVK and they made my GST compliance So Easy.. I am Very Happy that its all online process they follow .Thank You HKVK..

  • Sajith Sathyadev

    Sajith Sathyadev


    Being an independent contractor working from India for my clients located abroad, I've been having very tough time with my IT. Many of the guys out there have no idea about my tax situations and in the previous years they done it wrongly. But a couple of months back, I came across this firm, they did decipher my tax situations and done a great job on this. One of the other thing I liked them about is their paper less approach towards the source documents and stuffs which is really helpful and quick. Mr. Virag & company are excellent and they are awesome to work with. Guys, if you are in a position like where I was, there is no looking back, just go ahead!!!

  • Manali Creation

    Manali Creation


    It is always a pleasure to work with a professional who can resolve any unpredictable complication. I am extremely satisfied and grateful for your passion and high quality service.

  • en

    P Dhameliya


    Your services to us is really appreciated. The way you have made the filling of Income Tax Return is nice. It is very convenient to my kind of non computer savvy also. Thank you very much

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