Hotel CJ International i Amritsar

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IndienHotel CJ International


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Opposite Golden Temple Langar Building, Golden Temple Road, Jallan Wala Bagh, Katra Ahluwalia, Amritsar, Punjab 143001, India
kontakter telefon: +91 183 254 3478
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Latitude: 31.62043, Longitude: 74.878455

kommentar 5

  • Soumya Chakraborty

    Soumya Chakraborty


    The main advantage of the hotel is its location. Even if it is midnight you can go to Harmandir Sahib from here. The hotel has Good ambiance, helpful staff. Rooms are small but clean, AC was working fine, running hot and cold water. The hotel has a restaurant "Punjabi Zaayka" which serves you fresh tasty food. I would stay in this hotel again if I visit Amritsar.

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    rajni kharyal


    Nice place to stay. Hotel is very neat and clean. Staff service is good.

  • Robyn Wiles

    Robyn Wiles


    Well situated to the Golden Temple and the market. Friendly staff. Good air-conditioning. Breakfast served at 8.30, which was unfortunately a little late for my itinerary, and the WiFi didn't reach my room

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    Gurparkar Singh


    Excellent location near golden temple .Staff is very helpful and care taking. Will visit again as it is just next to temple and no need to worries about early morning and late night visit to the temple. Great job change.

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    Kavya Marwah


    Perfect location to visit golden temple one can visit as many time to the temple as the hotel just next to the golden temple. We had stayed earlier also and we will come here again it is very convenient for the ladies to go to temple even at 2 am .rooms are good and spacious enough for a small family. Boys are also good at the room service. Specially the management is very responsive and the manager Kunwar is outstanding and keen to serve at the best. Thanks Mr.Kunwar you made our stay excellent.

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