Hotel Clark International i Saharanpur

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndienHotel Clark International


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Ambedkar Chowk, Dehradun Road, Khanalampura, Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh 247001, India
kontakter telefon: +91 132 266 1447
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Latitude: 29.9609484, Longitude: 77.5582328

kommentar 5

  • vipul sharma

    vipul sharma


    Pros - Spacious room, Location of hotel Cons - Ordinary staff, Ordinary room service.

  • Abhi Khurana

    Abhi Khurana


    Pathetic service and cuisine. Bad food , old and outdated ambience. It's not worth visiting even once . Hotel lacks basic infrastructure . Poor toilet , Pathetic Rooms . It's absolutely disgusting....... Bad......

  • en

    doonite bro


    The place is really good a little bit old fashioned they should clean their walls probably in a month or so from outside of the hotel other wise it is nice and clean from inside and food is also good

  • Mrinal Ghosh

    Mrinal Ghosh


    Nice hotel. This is not a luxurious hotel of your dream, but this is within your budget. The expert staff will help making your travel a comfortable one. It may not be a star category one, but the polite staffs will provide you warm hospitality service and you may feel it a home away from home.

  • Palash Bansal

    Palash Bansal


    have been here many times, have booked rooms and banquest hall too. good rooms space is less for gatherings n functions. parking is there. good staff. recommended.

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