Hotel Grace i Gwalior

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IndienHotel Grace


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40, Manik Vilas, 474002, Gwalior, Gwalior, IN India
kontakter telefon: +91 751 234 0111
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Latitude: 26.2118524, Longitude: 78.1807762

kommentar 5

  • en

    nandan adhikari


    Ok ok, does not have its own restaurant. Food served in room. Staff are very cooperative.

  • Vaibhav Mishra

    Vaibhav Mishra


    Food location staff and serives at very low price so i liked it alot

  • Premanshu Singh

    Premanshu Singh


    Very nice hotel situated at very prime location with distance of merely 200 meters from railway station. The rooms are clean and well maintained. The staff is polite and well mannered in nature. The amenities provided here is contemporary. This hotel may not be very upscale but decent enough for good stay and exploring the city. Hotel rooms fair is also cheap as compared to other hotels situated in the vicinity. There is "Mansapuran Hanuman Mandir" located near the hotel which is a very famous temple of Hindu religion.

  • zishan gausee

    zishan gausee


    I came first time in this hotel I saw the staff was really good with decepline manner. The food quality was good but I need to tell you kindly just open a restaurant. The food was really tasty. Good service keep it up.

  • Vishesh Shourie

    Vishesh Shourie


    Stayed here for 2 nights and it was a perfect one in Grace hotel. Staff is very responsive and cordial. Pick from and drop to railway station. Clean rooms, clean bathroom, centrally located. Highly recommended as a budget stay....

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