Hotel Grand Central, Bhubaneswar i Bhubaneswar

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IndienHotel Grand Central, Bhubaneswar


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Old Station Road, Buddha Nagar, Laxmi Sagar, Bhubaneswar, Odisha 751006, India
kontakter telefon: +91 674 231 3412
internet side:
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Latitude: 20.264535, Longitude: 85.843785

kommentar 5

  • titir banerjee

    titir banerjee


    Truly a grand hotel in every way possible..First of all the location is awesome,the place is strategically located near railway station(2 minutes walking distance) and takes around 30 minutes from airport..They charge Rs.300 for a pickup or drop to the airport...Although we received a complimentary pickup from airport..Coming to the Rooms,they are spacious and beautifully designed...Then comes the services and I can say they are the best,the staffs are very well behaved...They serve scrumptious food...Overall a great place to stay at Bhubaneswar...I am sure I will be visiting them soon..

  • Abhijeet Mahapatro

    Abhijeet Mahapatro


    Stayed for 4 nights. Location is really good. Nice and clean rooms. Value for money

  • vicky agrawal

    vicky agrawal


    Lodging is good...Nice hotel. Rooms are very nice, well maintained. Good service. Tasty foods. Lots of parking space available. Nice view.Infrastructure is also good... location of this hotel is also in main area that is in main area....Its also nice for marriage parties....Also the marketing places are present nearby....Transportation facilty also available here.....Infrastructure is also good...In last word this hotel maintains good for small budget...The money spent here is totally valuable according to there facilities given to customers...So I recommend customer to stay here if they want....

  • MV Karan

    MV Karan


    An average hotel good for a budget accommodation while in transit or staying for a very short period. The staff does not have an iron box & board handy for guests to use. You have to use their laundry service even for pressing, for which they take around 30 mins. Their restaurant is decent in terms of food quality, quantity and wait time. However, there are not many options that you will have for the breakfast. The front desk staff that I encountered was very helpful and friendly in helping me with sightseeing plans and also getting me a car for hire.

  • Rajdeep Saha

    Rajdeep Saha


    A budget hotel with good amenities. (Though as written airport drop and pick up is not free, it is chargeable one ranging from Rs 300 to 600 depending upon the car). The rooms are good, clean, toilet though a small one with just bare minimum facilities. Staffs are well behaved, helps wherever required or asked for. It is very very near to the platform number 6 of Bhubaneswar station, makes easy for you if you want to catch a train. Has a good banquet hall to fit 20-25 people with projector, screen etc.

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