Hotel Navaratna i Coimbatore

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IndienHotel Navaratna



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253, East TV Swamy Road, 641002, Coimbatore, Coimbatore, IN India
kontakter telefon: +91 422 254 0221
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Latitude: 11.0109352, Longitude: 76.9548391

kommentar 5

  • prasad l

    prasad l


    Had visited twice. They reduced quality but increased price. But overall good to go through oyo

  • Vinod Kumar s

    Vinod Kumar s


    Rooms looks like 3 star hotel's. But don't expect hi fi complimentary breakfast. Breakfast timings was from 8 to 10. But at 9.30 we didn't get anything in buffet except dosa..felt very bad for that. Apart from that , comfortable stay it was.. price was also not so high,it depends upon seasons . Better to book through oyo rather than spot bookings. We got it for 1.5k on weekdays for triple occupancy.

  • Bhanu Joshi

    Bhanu Joshi


    A quiet and soothing place. Hotel staff is very supportive. Breakfast was given complementary, which was limited but pure and delicious south Indian cuisine. We went to combertore for our competition, the project was not completed and we were really stressed. Then the hotel staff gave us a part of parking for the completion of the project. We worked whole day and night which was completely supported by the night staff specially the guard. Overall experience was very good and I on behve of my teammates express the gratitude to the hotel and it's award-winning staff. Rating: food-related 8.5/10 Room and room service- 9/10 Overall experience- 9/10




    Awesome experience at this hotel. Damn friendly and helping staff members. Customer's wish and service is their priority. Breakfast served at the dining hall included around 5 varieties and all were good in taste. On request got coffee without sugar for my diabetic father. The head attendant Saravaran was damn cooperative and helpful to the stayers and management of the head was clearly reflecting in the other attendants. I would highly recommend this hotel to each age group of both friends and families. Also the cost is not so high as per the services they are providing. Thanks to all the employees of the hotel.

  • Prithvi Sen

    Prithvi Sen


    Great in terms of a budget hotel. Good service and welcoming staff. Definitely recommend this hotel. Clean and well maintained rooms. Location is nice as well.

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