Hotel Padmam i Madurai

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IndienHotel Padmam



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No1, Perumal Tank West St, Town Hall Road,, Madurai Main, Madurai, Tamil Nadu 625001, India
kontakter telefon: +91 452 234 0702
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Latitude: 9.917822, Longitude: 78.113627

kommentar 5

  • Sridhar sridhar

    Sridhar sridhar


    Nice place to stay. They provide wide and comfortable rooms for stay. Well maintained washrooms with attached bathrooms are available. A/C cooling is only average and the TV they have provided is only for the name sake and so bad. The main advantage is it's location which is situated at a walkable distance from the Railway Station. Nearby many shops are available to have a tasty food. Overall satisfied with my family stay.

  • hpandeymail



    Rooms are bigger than all the hotels in that area. Toilet is also bigger. Restaurant is not good. Cleanliness wise I would say not bad but coackroches were there on the bed. Balcony in the room is an advantage. Near to Meenakshi temple and market area. Sabrees hotel which is pure vegetarian highly rated restaurant is just near by too.

  • Rajdeep Dutta

    Rajdeep Dutta


    Those rooms are quite comfortable.. house keeping done late.. u can get instant discount there.. and rooms are in your budget..Rooms are clean bathroom as well. They give you small soap and towel.. and bottle of water

  • en

    Evan Ingalls


    Facility was fine, but nothing to write home about. Staff was perhaps overly attentive, coming into our room to help count our laundry, and for some reason always asking if we wanted a beer! Rooftop restaurant is also fine, but quite modest. Location is good for tourists, though.

  • KARTHICK Shanmugasundaram

    KARTHICK Shanmugasundaram


    Good stay, but no AC rooms available.. peoples here are bit hard to handle. So careful when you face any issues. But overall stay is great and rooms are bit smaller in size you will end up in the other corner of the room just in 3 steps. Very smaller rooms.

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