Hotel Winway i Indore

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndienHotel Winway


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164/1, RNT Marg, Near Madhumilan Square, South Tukoganj, Indore, Madhya Pradesh 452001, India
kontakter telefon: +91 731 661 1111
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Latitude: 22.7149648, Longitude: 75.8737533

kommentar 5

  • en

    Shreekant Mandovra


    Nice place to have a dinner buffet. Good taste.

  • en

    DrAvinash Bagzai


    Food is nice n tastes good Price a bit high.. But most customers have a coupon or discounted app offer.. Which makes it value for money.. Service is biylt poor or not as professional or courteous as other hotels

  • en

    Khushi G.


    Excellent Hotel. Good food is here I really liked the hotel. Thali facility of here is very good. Also the Hara Bhara Kabab of here is awesome. It is a three star hotel and I really liked it!!!!!!

  • Nitesh Sharma

    Nitesh Sharma


    It's an amazing hotel with friendly staff. Clean and spacious.. Family and couples can stay without a second thought... Very near to railway Station and 30 mins away from Airport.

  • en

    Palash Khandelwal


    One of the few amazing hotels in city Good Rooms in reasonable price. Delicious Food and bar. Room Service is also too good. Top class maintenance. And all this at a very prime location.. In short..Everything you need out of a here.

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