Hyderabad Marriott Hotel & Convention Centre i Hyderabad

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IndienHyderabad Marriott Hotel & Convention Centre



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Tank Bund Road, Bhagyalaxmi Nagar, Kavadiguda, Hyderabad, Telangana 500080, India
kontakter telefon: +91 40 2752 2999
internet side: www.marriott.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 17.424608, Longitude: 78.4868128

kommentar 5

  • Tim Weller

    Tim Weller


    Didn't stay, but ate here. Paying by card means leaving your table and walking out of the restaurant to the hotel reception... seriously, in a supposed five star hotel in 2018?! However, once there, the restaurant staff presented the point of sale machine for a PIN number where no transaction sum was displayed. So I was effectively being asked to approve an unknown sum. I refused and asked to see the transaction figure before authorising payment. Just a tip then, do ask to see this step before tapping in in your PIN or you'd only find out what you were charged when you receive your statement weeks later.

  • Atma Ram

    Atma Ram


    One of the best kind of hotels. The Service and quality is superb. Food is amazing. Breakfast is always yummy and I enjoy it a lot. Lots of varieties and tastier. Cakes are amazing, soft light and yummy. Rooms are amazing. Halls are pretty big for any functions like marriage and company meetings.

  • Balram Ph

    Balram Ph


    Was at the Convention Centre for an event. The multiple approaches to the location make it a little confusing. But the concierge staff were really kind and helpful in pointing us to the right places which I really appreciate. The overall experience at the hotel was just restricted to the event but that gave us a good amount of time to have a look around the location. The simplistic nature of everything is beautiful but words cannot describe the elegance of the place. I would definitely recommend it as a venue to host events due to the kindness, courtesy and willingness of the staff to help hosts and guests alike.

  • Kosalendra Eethamakula

    Kosalendra Eethamakula


    I attended a conference here for three days and had an awesome experience. Enjoyed the ambience and food. The view of the Hussain Sagar and parts of the city is incredible. The connecting bridge from this block to the block of Convention centre is a master piece of art work. Interiors, conference rooms and other amenities are maintained neatly.

  • Kranthi Kiran

    Kranthi Kiran


    Huge convention hall with a capacity of approximately 500 people. An attached dining area is conveniently located. The audio visual equipment was well maintained and had no complaints whatsoever. Great reception area with special lounge services for guests on the first floor. Parking is not huge but that shouldn't be a problem because valet parking was available. Centrally located and good security provided. A great place to conduct huge corporate conferences.

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