IIT (ISM) Dhanbad i Dhanbad

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IndienIIT (ISM) Dhanbad


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Police Line, Sardar Patel Nagar, Hirapur, Sardar Patel Nagar, Dhanbad, Jharkhand 826004, India
kontakter telefon: +91 326 223 5004
internet side: iitism.ac.in
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Latitude: 23.8143819, Longitude: 86.4412022

kommentar 5




    Not good but not as bad, you can go to have some good amount of fun.

  • Akash Paul

    Akash Paul


    The best engineering college of jharkhand.. Now its counted among the best IIT's... The college premises is very clean and all security measures are taken to keep it safe for the students... There is a gym, playgrounds, canteens, swimming pool which local people can also use by spending some money in the gym by making the pass... The most popular function held here is basant festival... Just love it guys...

  • Jagdish Prasad Jhanwar

    Jagdish Prasad Jhanwar


    ISM started its journey from 1926 as an oldest & prestigious Mining college and improved its glory as time passed. Started admission through IIT-JEE exams since 1998 and now established as IIT-ISM, Dhanbad. Students of ISM spread in all corners of world and very well connected and helpful to each other. I passed my B.tech Mining in 2005 Batch.

  • Vikram Sai

    Vikram Sai


    I had spent 5 amazing years here as a student from 2010 to 2015. I've also been recruiting from the college since I graduated. I see a great improvement in different aspects of college ranging from academics to sports. The college I had seen in 2010 and the one I'm seeing in 2018 are completely different. Students are more ambitious now and are actively exploring various career opportunities. Everytime I go back to college, it's a great experience!

  • en

    Ashish Gupta


    One of the oldest institute of India. Fee is lower compared to other iits. It has good faculty, big campus, awesome hostels with Canteen swimming pool, indoor stadium, large playgrounds. It is well connected with city. Campus is clean and must green, claims are modern and can accommodate large no of students. College has good campus placement. If has produced many notable personalities.

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