Indian Coffee House i New Delhi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndienIndian Coffee House



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2nd Floor, Mohan Singh Place, Baba Khadak Singh Marg, Near Hanuman Mandir, Connaught Place, Hanuman Road Area, Connaught Place, New Delhi, Delhi 110001, India
kontakter telefon: +91 11 2334 2994
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Latitude: 28.6307949, Longitude: 77.2160064

kommentar 5

  • Venky Kumar

    Venky Kumar


    Great place to enjoy with loved ones, Friends, family, colleagues and with all the people. We enjoyed here with some good snacks, South Indian dish and different types of drinks. Also here is a open roof where you walk and spend time to see the main road of connaught place. very peaceful environment. This place is near A BLOCK.

  • Biswa Choudhury

    Biswa Choudhury


    Great place to hangout with friends and girlfriend 😊. The food and beverages is plain and simple: nothing great. However, the prices are easy on the pocket. The washroom is ok. This place is located on the second floor. Word of caution: the elevator/lift may just be out of order; so be prepared to climb four flights of stairs. Overall, a good place for group chats and a great place for a cheap date with a good view of Connaught Place.

  • Deepak Kumar

    Deepak Kumar


    Outside ambience is amazing and especially on full moon or near full moon time. The service of this place is worth trying. Unlike other ICHs, architecture is missing still the space, the debate and great shakes, coffees, juices rock. Really a place worth trying always to have so much fun and food at one go✌️

  • grace singsit

    grace singsit


    This might have been a legendary place once. Probably back in the 60s. It is totally run down now. The place takes you back to the black and white socialist era. The coffee, should not be called one, is just hot water with a few drops of milk and a tinge of cheap coffee powder. There are century old (not really but you get the drift) ceiling fans that creak and turn. The crowd seems alright but for the life of me I don't know what they like about this place. This place should be refurbished and updated as per the times. It's only a matter of time for they shut down.

  • Utkarsh Naik

    Utkarsh Naik


    This is a nice place to be. It's one of the oldest places to hangout with friends and family. It was once a very attractive place but now it still in it's 19's and needs to update. But still quite a cheap place. Food is nice not much variety but still quite a good and low price food. You can sit there for as long as you wish. You will find some budding startup owners working there. The view is amazing with great terrace view. Coffee is very good. Along with that it's quite and nice place for a feel of our past .

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