Jodhpur Airport i Jodhpur

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndienJodhpur Airport



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Civil Airport Road, Air Force Area, Ratanada, Air Force Area, Jodhpur, Rajasthan 342011, India
kontakter telefon: +91 291 251 2934
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Latitude: 26.264647, Longitude: 73.05062

kommentar 5

  • Tim Hall

    Tim Hall


    Small and dirty airport with limited seating, food and shopping options. Toilets are unpleasant. Don’t get there too early before your flight.

  • en

    Aditya Agrawal


    No buses to the gate. Have to walk yp arrivals. Single belt for picking up luggage so gets very crowded. Food options dont exist. Security is ok. Not more than 2 planes can be parked side by side so other planes have to wait on the runway




    Very Small Airport. Only ATR comes here. Airport under Airforce. Restrictive timings. No flight after 4.00 pm. Only 1 X Ray machine. Need to expand. Lots of tourist including foreigners come to Jodhpur.

  • en

    Seshu K S


    Very disappointed to come to this airport. I was expecting that it would be designed like a palace. You do feel like you are in a bus station. Poor infrastructure, toilets are pretty old, one snack place, couple of souvenir shops..If you plan to have a lunch at the airport, you would stay starved. Plan accordingly. Being in Dec, the temp is fine inside the airport but not sure how the summer is going to be. The state government has not done anything to represent the apathy at the airport. Airports are gateways to a city and if state wants to showcase the wonderful forts of Rajasthan the visitors expect decent welcome. As an Indian, I see world of opportunities to showcase our country in this airport.....

  • Khushbu Mehta

    Khushbu Mehta


    Smallest Airport I've been to till now. Actually it's a Military Airport also used as a Domestic Airport. It's so small,that the security check doesn't happen till it's time to board d plane. Only 2 airlines operate from here, Air India and Jet Airways. Don't expect to find food here. Just one stall with limited items. There are a few shots in case u wanna do last minute shopping. The airport is not too far from d city, ola/Uber is easily available for commute

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