Kanteerava Stadium Gate A i Bengaluru

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndienKanteerava Stadium Gate A


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Nunegundlapalli, Ambedkar Veedhi, Sampangi Rama Nagar, Nunegundlapalli, Ambedkar Veedhi, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560001, India
kontakter telefon: +91
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Latitude: 12.9696305, Longitude: 77.5934637

kommentar 5

  • Deepika Mukundhan

    Deepika Mukundhan


    Sports ground, but the gates are quite confusing. Make sure you keep a track of the way you progress inside. The ground is well maintained and has a good track for soccer and athletics. Practise sessions and coaching is held here for students

  • Kaviyarasu Kavi

    Kaviyarasu Kavi


    Nice ambience to watch a good game . The path must contain some water stalls. It should help audience to help out of dehydration.. The places to be maintained good out of water & some other stuffs ..

  • Hiren J

    Hiren J


    Very good stadium. Newly built indoor basketball court is very good and it's according to international standards. Next times if there are any matches. Go and watch. Very good experience.

  • en

    Shoaib Mohamed


    Home of the mighty mighty blues! Most of the stands are good. I particularly like the North upper stand. Even more than the West Block stand. The view from North upper is much nicer and makes following the football much easier. The fan facilities are not that great to be honest.

  • Aakash Indu

    Aakash Indu


    The Stadium as a whole is good. The pitch, the stands and the tracks are well maintained. However the other other facilities have to be improved immediately. The washrooms are disgusting. There are no lockers to keep bags before entering the stadium. There is no restaurant or canteen within stadium limits to eat. Refreshment and snack facilities are hence very limited. Basically do no expect any assistance from any staff in the stadium. However if you wish to attend a match in the stadium go ahead, it will be a fun experience.

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