Kurla Railway station ticket house i Mumbai

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IndienKurla Railway station ticket house



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Railway Colony Road, Nehru Nagar, Kurla East, Jagruti Nagar, Nehru Nagar, Kurla East, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400071, India
kontakter telefon: +91 11 2331 1263
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Latitude: 19.0654746, Longitude: 72.8810651

kommentar 5

  • amit yadav

    amit yadav


    1 Now its better for people 2 less crowd die to multiple ticket counter 3 wash room availbele 4 Esclators are availble

  • en

    Saipriya nareddy


    You will many private ticket counters at Kurla.. Initially i was shocked.. They charge extra one rupee from usual ticket.. People who are in hurry to catch the local trains.. They can go to these local ticket counters as station counters are very busy with crowd... And out side of the kurla station , you will get sharing autos to LTT, they charge 30rs per person.. I found it very expensive.. It takes 10mins to go by auto..

  • Fahim Khan

    Fahim Khan


    Kurla Railway Station is a very crowded place and when there is a office leaving for school leaving time at that time the crowd is much more you cannot even catch the train and it's very risky together then at that time be safe wait don't panic don't run leave the train if it is too crowded was life is very important take some time to reach your destination but please don't get into the crowded train because it's very very very risky thank you

  • snehal patil

    snehal patil


    One of the most crowded station in central and harbour line Indicators are available everywhere so train s for central.line and harbour line can be differentiated The area adjacent to railway station needs a little bit of maintenance work the roads are easily closed during rainfall

  • en

    Francis Machado


    As crowded as it can get. Connection to Habour line. Best terminal outside on the west give good connectivity to interior of Kurla, bandra - Kurla & Santa Cruz. Wholesale market for various items outside the station on the West

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