La Vie i New Delhi

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IndienLa Vie



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51A, Khan Market, Rabindra Nagar, Khan Market, Rabindra Nagar, New Delhi, Delhi 110003, Indien
kontakter telefon: +91 80101 66000
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Latitude: 28.6006025, Longitude: 77.2274077

kommentar 5

  • pushpendra gupta

    pushpendra gupta


    I did not liked the pizza but service was great

  • Prakshal Jain

    Prakshal Jain


    Absolutely horrible! The supposed wood fired margherita pizza is a hoax! The base looks like stale bread and the "pizza" barely has any basil (which is apparently Tulsi in India) on it. If you've had an actually wood fired pizza outside India, this place WILL disappoint you immensely! Plus, there's also a 10% service charge for I don't know what. Don't waste time and money!

  • Anuj Behl

    Anuj Behl


    Ordered a ratatouille which failed to impress. Undercooked eggplant in the dish spoiled the taste. Accompanying rice were good though. Spinach and mushroom salad is okay and Oreo banana shake is good. Decent service. But the whole experience was not worth the price.

  • Anil Arya

    Anil Arya


    Liked the pizzas. They could make pizza without cheese as well. Banana and peanut butter shake was a bit of let down..It would have probably tastes better with the added chocolate

  • Anusuya Baruah

    Anusuya Baruah


    A great Swedish restaurant. The food was delicious and the ambience of the place is also very good. One of the best places I have visited though quite on the expensive side it is.

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