Lemon Tree Hotel, Ahmedabad i Ahmedabad

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IndienLemon Tree Hotel, Ahmedabad



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434/1, Mithakhali Six Cross Roads, Navrangpura, Maharashtra Society, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380006, India
kontakter telefon: +91 79 4423 2323
internet side: www.lemontreehotels.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 23.029628, Longitude: 72.5639446

kommentar 5




    Hotel is in good location. Have sufficient parking space. Rooms are neat and clean. Food in restaurant is good.

  • Akshatha M K

    Akshatha M K


    Nice place to stay. Clean and neat rooms. Food was also good, though a little expensive. Few staff are good but few are extremely rude. We wanted to stay there again but because of the staff attitude we decided to take up rooms in another hotel. Overall a good experience but could have been better.

  • Kanwal Kishore

    Kanwal Kishore


    Neat Rooms, well laid out meals. Hotel has given opportunity to differently abled people to work, which is very unique and praiseworthy. Very spirited staff. Well done and keep it up.

  • Natasha Singh

    Natasha Singh


    The location of this hotel is very prime. The ambience is awesome, and as soon as you enter you can smell a sweet citrus fragrance, which follows you everywhere. The staff is very polite. A small Car parking is also available. The buffet breakfast is simply too good. The rooms are basic and maintain a good level of hygiene.

  • Tanya Khanijow

    Tanya Khanijow


    The hotel seems really nice and comfortable. The room is well decorated, although slightly on a smaller side. I just checked in and the only thing that really irks me, for which I've even reduced the rating too, is their early check in policy. Apparently their check in time in 2 pm. Which hotel does that? No guest checks in at 2 pm ever!! Early check in is chargeable extra at ₹400 plus taxes. Exorbitant and ridiculous way of ripping off customers on top of the room tariff. Really cheap way of making extra money. Sad!

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