Lemon Tree Hotel, Aurangabad i Aurangabad

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IndienLemon Tree Hotel, Aurangabad


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R 7/2, Chikalthana, Airport Road, CIDCO Cannought, Cidco, Aurangabad, Maharashtra 431210, India
kontakter telefon: +91 240 660 3030
internet side: www.lemontreehotels.com
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Latitude: 19.8749057, Longitude: 75.3655619

kommentar 5

  • en

    SrIvAlLaBh N


    This is one of the hotels in Aurangabad. The food is delicious. The swimming pool is near restaurant is major attraction. Huge parking place and location of hotel in heart of City so visit local tourist spots easily from here.

  • Udit Narayan Mishra

    Udit Narayan Mishra


    Nice hotel, huge garden and well maintained large pool. Rooms are spacious. The best is their restaurant, Citrus Cafe. Chef Manohar and his team is doing a commendable job. Ask for the chef and give your wish-list, you will surely be blown away. They have some games too, like table tennis and cycles and also small area for kids. A well equipped gym like an island to the huge pool is also there. They have ample parking place, but mind you, no valet parking is available.

  • Prasad D Somwanshi

    Prasad D Somwanshi


    Rooms - specious and clean. Luxury and amenities are up to the level of any star hotel. Service - prompt and humble. But the paintings installed in and around rooms are horrible. In my room there were 2 painting which were reminding me of ghost in the room. Also in all corridor space painting theme is like a hounted villa. Not only paintings but also few ghost type status were installed in corridor. I will never go to this hotel since it reminds me ghost palace...

  • Tim Hall

    Tim Hall


    Perfectly fine, and ideal if you’re only looking to spend a night or two while visiting the caves. The pool is very welcoming in the heat. Rooms are nothing to write home about, but are clean, with functioning a/c and hot water, and decent amenities. Staff are friendly and helpful. Food is fine, clean and wide range of options but nothing outstanding. All that said, realistically this is probably the better option for a wide range of foreigners visiting Aurangabad.

  • Sachin Verma

    Sachin Verma


    Property is awesome. I loved the location of swimming pool. Restaurant is also next to swimming pool which is pleasant place to eat food. I had breakfast and spread was reasonable. In room service was good. Not very happy with front office because they were over charging on a certain thing but rest everything was good.

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