Lower Lake i Bhopal

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IndienLower Lake


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Lower Lake, Jahangirabad, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
kontakter telefon: +91
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Latitude: 23.2484784, Longitude: 77.4056451

kommentar 5

  • sudhir sharma

    sudhir sharma


    Lower Lake Bhopal. Good to go in evening

  • en

    Anil Sharma


    This is as old as Bhopal city is. Just in the middle of the city. On one side Kali Mandir and on the other side Professor Colony and Talia places are located. Very beautiful lake seen and water fountain flows. Charming scene during evening.

  • Black Action music Lovers

    Black Action music Lovers


    The lake was built by creating in 1794 to beautify the city. The construction was commissioned by Chote Khan, a minister of Nawab Hayat Muhammad Khan Bahadur

  • Ritu Singh

    Ritu Singh


    Best place to see sunrise and sunset as well. Peaceful place,and one can spend many hours alone also. Boating is also there near the temple. Some water body competitions also held there,and competitors participate from the whole nation, from every state of india. There is lots of fun watching them. And so many parks near the lake,makes the place cozy,and peaceful.

  • Priyanka Devhare

    Priyanka Devhare


    Nice place.#silence#well maintained

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