Maharaja Ganga Mahal i Bikaner

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndienMaharaja Ganga Mahal


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Ganga Niwas, Outside Public Park, Rathkhana Gate, Shardul Colony, Bikaner, Rajasthan 334001, India
kontakter telefon: +91 151 252 1074
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Latitude: 28.0195029, Longitude: 73.3253103

kommentar 5

  • shivam juneja

    shivam juneja


    Great historical name and place but retro cars were covereed. I don't know why these guys have kept them there if y'all want 'em covered? 😒

  • sarvdeep basur

    sarvdeep basur


    Nice small hotel. Some tastefully recreated and some original Antiques interested me a lot. Would surely like to visit again

  • Jacky Vyas

    Jacky Vyas


    If you want to candel light dinner with her love then this place is perfect for that in reasonable price. Decoration and interior design is fantastic. Here also bar and accommodation facilities.

  • Rushiraj Rohit

    Rushiraj Rohit


    The place is very fine and having excellent ambience. Also having good hospilality. The food quality is also very nice but breakfast doesn't have variety. The staff is also coordinating.

  • en

    parv chandna


    A very good hotel. Good place to spend time with your family. Tourist attraction. Generally tourist stay here on there holidays. A bit expensive. Good swimming pool. Great food. And has a fast service.

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