Maharaja Ranjit Singh Panorama i Amritsar

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IndienMaharaja Ranjit Singh Panorama



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Mall Road, 143001, Amritsar, Amritsar, IN India
kontakter telefon: +91
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Latitude: 31.6404473, Longitude: 74.8765214

kommentar 5

  • Ashwani kumar

    Ashwani kumar


    The palace has been beautifully designed with few rooms decorated in false ceilings, featuring khatamband technique, a wood craft unique to Kashmir. It has a huge collection of plants and trees, some of which are rarely found elsewhere. A lively statue of the maharaja sitting on a Horse is another attraction at this palace which is a true testimony of artisans work during that time. The summer palace of the maharaja was converted into a museum in 1977, to preserve and showcase the important items of the era. The museum has an interesting collection of antiques including the weapon which dates back to the Mughal times, portraits of ruling houses of Punjab, attires, coins and a replica of Kohinoor diamond.

  • en



    Amazing place to learn the history of Punjab. Lot of investment has been done to recreate the actual historical events....a must visit

  • Nanda Kumar

    Nanda Kumar


    Such a great place to explore the Indian History. The Great Maharaja Ranjit Singh and his Great acheviements. His prosperous kingdom and valour in his kingdom shows the prosperity of Indian History. It gives goosebumps when you explore this museum and knowing about the history of Indian Kings and their courage and valour. Everyone, especially the children must visit this museum and they should know the Great history of this Nation. Jai Hind

  • Dr.M.P.SINGH Master of Surgery

    Dr.M.P.SINGH Master of Surgery


    Very nice place to visit . Very very low entry fees . Calm and natural green surrounding . A complete guide to know about sikh Kingdom, Maharaja Ranjit Singh and British annexation of Punjab. At least give your one hour to deeply understand the history. First floor gallery is worth to see.looks like real battle ground. Must visit.

  • Ravi Jadhav

    Ravi Jadhav


    Really Good place..there is history about Maharaja Ranjit Singh...and there has a Panorama which will give you a real war experience in 360°...Pleass visit this place....and also have Mahraja's Guns,Swords,Chair,Clothes and other will enjoy it....

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