Maya Hotel & Restaurant i Agra

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IndienMaya Hotel & Restaurant


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18/184, Fatehabad Road, Purani Mandi, Tajganj, Purani Mandi, Tajganj, Agra, Uttar Pradesh 282001, India
kontakter telefon: +91 97191 07691
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Latitude: 27.167516, Longitude: 78.036804

kommentar 5

  • sripad sarangi

    sripad sarangi


    Location is good . Neat and clean hotel but room size small. Price affordable.

  • Rishabh annand

    Rishabh annand


    Food is quite expensive but tasty though and you will find lots of white people and less brown people.

  • steven morrissey

    steven morrissey


    Good food although slightly pricey compared to other restaurants.

  • Sneh Deep Guest House, Jaipur

    Sneh Deep Guest House, Jaipur


    Very good hotel in its category.So well located for tourists who come to see Taj Mahal.The terrace with the dominance of blue colour looks mesmerising in evenings. We were lucky to be there on the time when local musicians were playing music. I will not do justice with this review if I fail to talk about the food. They serve excellent Indian and continental food. I loved having garlic naan , chicken tikka,baingan bharta ( aubergine ) and some home made multigrain bread which is very special here. I feel like going there again and again because of quality of food and friendliness of staff. Above all the owner Raju also has great vision and wlingness to compliment his ideas towards constant improvement and enrichment of Hotel Maya.I will recommend it very strongly to people along to visit Taj Mahal in Agra. My best wishes.

  • Tania Sarkar

    Tania Sarkar


    I stayed here last week. This hotel location is too good. Taj is 5min by walking. Rooms are also clean. But the problems were 1. A.C was not properly working 2. Restaurants was too much costly 3. You should bergain with their room tariff.They charged me 1800 for 3 person but at last it was 1500.

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