Modern Book Shop i Chandigarh

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndienModern Book Shop



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SCO 3 & 4, Near Aroma Hotel, 22C, Sector 22, Chandigarh, 160022, India
kontakter telefon: +91 172 501 8825
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Latitude: 30.7304702, Longitude: 76.7733062

kommentar 5

  • en

    Sanjay Kumar


    A lot of books to choose though no discounts. Bit most of gje books magazinr and novelsb are available.

  • S T

    S T


    U find everything that u want for ur kids schooling.... but price is lil up

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    Kanishk Kumar


    As everyone I also thought that modern bookshop is a nice shop but ended with the conclusion that it is the worst one. One reason is that that if you buy any book from the store, you should compare it with any another one and you will notice that it's length is less than others as according to me, they cut a few inch from both sides and sell them for recycling purpose. Also I bought a chemistry tenth class lakhmir Singh and after a few days noticed that it was a specimen copy which was not for sale.

  • Lalit Mohan

    Lalit Mohan


    Pathetic book store.👎👎 Please avoid to buy books from this store the owner of this shop do not have manners to talk with customers. They refuse totally if you ask for single book and force you to buy complete set of books. You are helpless because you don't have any other options as they have contract with many schools of try-city.

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    Shabnam Verma


    Perfect place to buy stationary! This place has the best range of material and the quality is A+. All the craft supplies, wonderful range of pens and diaries. The price ranges from lowest to highest. But the best part is that you get pretty much everything at one place.

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