Mughal Garden Entry Gate 35 i New Delhi

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IndienMughal Garden Entry Gate 35


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Church Road, 110001, New Delhi, New Delhi, IN India
kontakter telefon: +91
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Latitude: 28.617668, Longitude: 77.199606

kommentar 5

  • Rajanish Ranjan

    Rajanish Ranjan


    One of best historical place in DELHI, Don't miss the opportunity to visit there...

  • Sharukh Alam

    Sharukh Alam


    It is a beautiful garden in Rashtrapati Bhawan of India which opens only 3-4 weeks every year in February-March for general public.

  • Sudipto De Sarkar

    Sudipto De Sarkar


    The gate is very well managed considering the huge crowd they have to handle on a daily basis. The parking is now also well sorted out (on the adjacent road, North Avenue) and you don't have to park it far off at the India Gate and take an auto to this place anymore... No water bottles and other bags etc. are allowed inside but you can keep those at the cloak room juxtaposed to this gate. The staff is cooperative and do not unnecessarily push you or anything. Just come prepared not to get bored too easily...

  • Karan Surana

    Karan Surana


    Such a beautiful place to visit! Opens only for a month around February every year. Astonishing variety of flowers.

  • en

    alpana singh


    For visitors, this gate is open for entry in mughal garden. This gate is wheelchair accessible. Atleast 4 to 5 checking gate entry are here. You can go there with your family members or friends.

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