Mumbra i Thane

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Mumbra Devi Road, 400612, Thane, Thane, IN India
kontakter telefon: +91
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Latitude: 19.1903178, Longitude: 73.0232397

kommentar 5

  • Abhishek. Jain

    Abhishek. Jain


    Train halts only slow and semi fast ....near by easily auto riksha avaliable ...

  • Mudassar Khan

    Mudassar Khan


    Transportation Problem, Roads are always Blocked Bcuz of Roadside Sellers, Road Side Parking, Train Problem, their should be more facility in Mumbra as per populations. I hope Mr. Raj Thakre to take charge and improve all the facilities..

  • en

    Niyomi Shah


    While the railway station and surrounding places are not that great (basically bad crowd), there is a rock patch about 15 mins from the station. Great site for rock climbing activities. All adventure enthusiastics must visit this place.

  • Sameer Pagare

    Sameer Pagare


    All the tapori, unprofessional people stays in Mumbra. Most of them always chew gutkha and stands on footboard. Dadagiri is their main business. Everyone hates Mumbra station

  • Rahul Singh

    Rahul Singh


    Busiest station.. with more than 11 lakh population which is developing day by day. Facilities like hospital, electricity, shopping complex post office are there but can be improved..

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