Nicco Park i Bhubaneswar

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndienNicco Park



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Sachivalaya Marg, Unit 4, New AG Colony, Bhubaneswar, Odisha 751022, India
kontakter telefon: +91
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Latitude: 20.2860312, Longitude: 85.8321124

kommentar 5

  • en

    Shaikh Mian


    A nice park but needs maintenance. The price of the ticket is reasonable for the amusement rides provided. But the condition of the park needs to be improved drastically.

  • Jayashree Pradhan

    Jayashree Pradhan


    I went to this park after almost 15 years. I was expecting that many new rides might have been added and would be well maintained, but to my disappointment, it was just the opposite. Most of the rides were not in proper working condition. As it was a weekday but still there was hardly any crowd except 2-3 families so almost all the rides were going empty. The lake also stinks. Hope the management does something for renovating the park or else it would be difficult for them to sustain in the long run.

  • Yashobanta Nath

    Yashobanta Nath


    It's covered a big area in heart of the city. It's very good place for roaming with friends. It's enjoyable place for all age. You can see hunted house, water slide, booting and others. It needs to mentenance some broken stuffs. Should keep neat and clean. Entry fee is Rs 150.00 per head. You can get food inside the park.

  • Ajit Das

    Ajit Das


    Great park with water slide and many rides. Some of them are closed but you can enjoy your best out of it . Rs 150 per entry. Which will take you to a different world. Haunted House with many light and sound shows . You will must enjoy it fully . By the way the lake inside the park is stinky . So stay out of it . Enjoy.......

  • sujit nayak

    sujit nayak


    Need more development. Went there with lot of hope... But was completely disappointed.. Total waste of money.. Entry fee was Rs 150/- per head with the promise of some free rides. But the concerned person refused to run the rides due to lack of persons... It seems more like a deserted place now. Either it should be reformed or should be closed.

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