Park Plaza Faridabad i Faridabad

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndienPark Plaza Faridabad


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Plot #1, Sector 21C, Faridabad, Haryana 121002, India
kontakter telefon: +91 129 424 1111
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Latitude: 28.4291226, Longitude: 77.2965744

kommentar 5

  • Pradyumna Rallapalli

    Pradyumna Rallapalli


    Very decent accommodation at affordable costs. Rooms are spacious and well maintained. Bathrooms are fully glass enclosed - a bit exposing to other occupant! Complementary breakfast spread is good. Buffet dinner is also decent. Overall GOOD

  • Atul Kaji

    Atul Kaji


    Very good staying experience. Breakfast starts very late at However hotel management is very courteous and serves breakfast early on request.

  • Harish J

    Harish J


    This is relatively compact Hotel (I'd not tag in luxury hotel. Only this faridabad property). Tough everything is very well managed.

  • en

    Saloni Verma


    Good hotel. We came here for a particular celebration, which concluded smoothly. The electricity went off for a minute, which I wouldn't expect from a 4 star hotel. The food was okay, the cleanliness of the washrooms could be improved though.

  • Deepali Sood

    Deepali Sood


    Been there thrice now. Hosting parties is their USP. Staff is generous, service is pretty good. They have good party halls to offer with a nice decor. I have also experienced a weekend stay over here. The stay was relaxed with a good food quality and variety in buffet. Rooms are clean and properly managed. Swimming pool though is small, but good for a family to have a fun day.

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