Patiala House Court i New Delhi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndienPatiala House Court



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India Gate, F-30C, Connaught Circus, Patiala House, Connaught Place, Patiala House, India Gate, New Delhi, Delhi 110001, India
kontakter telefon: +91
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Latitude: 28.6153948, Longitude: 77.2347245

kommentar 5

  • en

    Lalit Mohan Grover


    Though very old building even then most of the basic amenties are available.

  • Raj Mathur Kiran

    Raj Mathur Kiran


    I am working in patala house court so I love this place and near India 🇮🇳 gate Purana Q🍖

  • en



    Please be aware of the fraudsters who are actually agents, clerks and anyone who will try to con you in such a way that you may get carried away with there actions and convincing power. One of the example is in the picture who tried to fool me, but still he could not get much from me and 200 Rs was wasted. Would request you to please be aware in this dangerous city full of fraudsters.

  • Padmanav Swain

    Padmanav Swain


    Patiala high court is the addictive place which to be operate by the expert judges.....

  • Amrendra Anupam

    Amrendra Anupam


    This Patila house house court in in Delhi High court premise and has several gates to enter. There are many food joints are available inside too. There are touts outside of the gate which may ask you to help you or unnecessary will approach you to help. Beware of them and also take help, if needed, by approaching the Police or Guard or Advocate inside. There are many courts in one building and is numbered, so better to keep asking to people inside, in case you are not getting the right one. For Bike theft, No traceable certificate approach Court one.

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