Pyrenees Homestay i Agra

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndienPyrenees Homestay


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22/2. R.K. Puram phase-2, Taj Nagri Road, 282001, Agra, Agra, IN India
kontakter telefon: +91 98972 70516
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Latitude: 27.1603131, Longitude: 78.0526689

kommentar 5

  • en

    vicky samrat


    Me and my friend enjoy very much specially food made by hari delicious. Thanks to Pyrenees.

  • Neetu Panwar

    Neetu Panwar


    Stayed with my friends . Awesome hospitality. Amazing food. Staff is too hospitable. Please try once when choosing a budget accommodation in Agra.

  • en

    amit kumar


    I was staying Pyrenees home stay two night.. With my and my friend realy enjoying this place. Food was imaging on roof top Taj views restaurant.

  • Iqbal Khan

    Iqbal Khan


    Feel Like Home, Owner Mr. KAMAL is very knowledgeable and ready to help you 24x7. He helped me to book taxi and also guided me about Agra. His tips helped me a lot, I wish him best of luck for his Work 😄😀

  • en

    Robert Struzick


    Budget accommodations with clean rooms, hot water (when asked for), and friendly staff. The home stay was about 30 minutes walk from the Taj Mahal, and the rooftop restaurant holds a good view of the area and the monument. The excellent quality of the food and the lovely individuals maintaining it made up for the poor quality of internet and chilliness of the room at night. When cold, the staff was happy to provide extra blankets. Excellent option for backpackers and other budget travelers.

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