Rajasthan High Court i Jodhpur

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IndienRajasthan High Court



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High Court Road, Paota, Jodhpur, Rajasthan 342005, India
kontakter telefon: +91 291 254 5516
internet side: www.hcraj.nic.in
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 26.2920557, Longitude: 73.0355265

kommentar 5

  • en

    Prashant Gangwani


    Double Post mortem and it's report of black buck proved Actor SALMAN KHAN is innocent. In India since 1947 all cases are pending when they will solve them.

  • Prashant Gangwani

    Prashant Gangwani


    Biggest garbage from past 71 years Salman Khan Ko saza suna di

  • en

    vijay meena


    plzz high court ldc ki vacency nikalo last year i missed plzz

  • Dr Kapil Joshi

    Dr Kapil Joshi


    Rajasthan High Court having big infrastructure building, lots of advocate chambers, stamp vendors chairs. Canteen shops are also available in the premises. Overall clean and green atmosphere. Court chambers are having good interior. Good chairs and cooling too.

  • manish vaishnaw

    manish vaishnaw


    High court jodhpur ...In this place many many all layers are present everyday when high cort is open.. there are car parking mother cycle parking facility is available.. salman khan case .. was done in jodhpur high court this case is very popular .. in this case salman khan is free from all indian panel court dhara .. and he is free ...and there after aasharam bapu case is also in this court this case is also very very popular in this case aasha ram bapu is going to jail ..Jodhpur collector office .. sdm office .. and all hight court judge is present any time when you want in working day .. now in jodhpur high court adress will be changed in few years new high court is prepare in jalamand jodhpur .. pal road .. jodhpur jaisalmer by pass road .. there are very big place in this all types of vehicle are parking .. I think so there are housing colony for residential of high court judge and mostly hight court lawyers .. visit and see this nice place.. I hope you so happy to see this facility in new high court jodhpur which made in progress .. I am happy to review this place high court jodhpur mahanagar....

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