Ramyas Hotels i Tiruchirappalli

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndienRamyas Hotels


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13-D/2, Williams Road, Cantonment, Cantonment, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu 620001, India
kontakter telefon: +91 431 400 0400
internet side: www.ramyas.com
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Latitude: 10.799499, Longitude: 78.681786

kommentar 5




    We had a function here. Good service. Catering very Good. Rooms also very nice and also a good Restaurant. We enjoyed .

  • Boomi Nath

    Boomi Nath


    Good. But the hotel was a old one. Maintaining good. Suites not upto the mark. Room service was not good as front reception peoples are superb.

  • Suren Ganesan

    Suren Ganesan


    Great service at start but deteriorated as they stay went. And overly friendly staffs constantly lingering for tips even when they did not merit it. Good place if your staying for work. I would not recommend it for holiday.

  • cycle pure media channel

    cycle pure media channel


    Very good hotel with all facilities.. One of the top rated hotels in Trichy with many facilities including bar restaurant laundry gym and all. Good for couples family and groups... Tasty food and excellent staffs.. Attend I've and kind they are... Happy stay...

  • Krishnamurthy S

    Krishnamurthy S


    Recently renewed hotel in Trichy. Stayed in this hotel for two days. Rooms are awesome and hotel location is very prime as it is just beside central bus stand. Roof top complimentary breakfast is simply mouth watering. Staff people are very helpful and supportive. I have been checked out two hours late but they didn't ask for any extra money. Good hotel and one can go a head without any doubt.

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