Rassaz Multiplex i Mira Bhayandar

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndienRassaz Multiplex


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N.H.School Road, Mira Road East,Opp Omrao Hospital, Evershine Nagar, Naya Nagar, Mira Road East, Mira Bhayandar, Maharashtra 401107, India
kontakter telefon: +91 22 2812 6969
internet side: www.rassaz.com
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Latitude: 19.2840633, Longitude: 72.8630256

kommentar 5

  • en

    Sharad Agarwal


    A cheap option for movie lovers, it has a food court that serves various cuisines, it is usually very crowded there are rides for small kids, you can shop for clothes, shoes and other accessories here, all in all a place for the whole family, dubbed Hollywood movies are shown here hence everyone can enjoy Hollywood movies, could be better mantined

  • Mitul Champaneri

    Mitul Champaneri


    Decent place. Alot of food available there and a decent movie watching experience must be expected. The crowd may or may not be good but generally it is not so good.

  • en

    the flash


    Good for low level blinky clothes, if you're looking for quality, longevity I don't think that the shops in this mall has much to offer. It also has a multiplex which isn't upto the standards as we have now a days. The crowd is cheap too. One may not feel comfortable coming with the entire family especially the ladies. There's also a gymnasium which is good and food outlets which are good for the money you give.

  • zaffrin shaikh

    zaffrin shaikh


    Small but amazing. Need to maintain the cleanliness in theatre. Games and rides are good but crowded. Food is delicious. Seating arrangement is not proper. Rassaz is to spend time with family and friends.

  • Gince Skariah

    Gince Skariah


    Rassaz Cinemas at Mira Road is within the premises of Rassaz Shopping. Apart from just being a theater, this place has many patrons because of the wonderful food zone and shopping market, which are the major attractions. The ticket prices are also very good, on the lower side which is an excellent thing for such big cinema hall. The picture and sound quality are excellent. The picture quality is amazing and does not look blurry at all. Visiting this theatre is definitely worth both money and time and I'm sure no one will get disappointed at all.

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