Sachdeva's i New Delhi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Shop No. 1, Gandhi Market, Mirdard Marg, Gandhi Market Area, Barakhamba, Gandhi Market Area, Barakhamba, New Delhi, Delhi 110002, India
kontakter telefon: +91 80105 52833
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Latitude: 28.636725, Longitude: 77.2302872

kommentar 5

  • anis ahmed

    anis ahmed


    go for chesses sandwich... red source pasta

  • Akkad Bakkad

    Akkad Bakkad


    Besically Sachdeva is a cake baker.but they also provide some Chinese and some muglai food also. bakery is quite good but too small in area wise.thats why there's no sitting arrangement for customers.bakery food is quite expensive.

  • Mahmood ur Rehman

    Mahmood ur Rehman


    1. One of the better eating place as there are very limited options in Gandhi Market area. 2. Wide variety of snacks and food. 3. Online price is much higher than take away. Prices are on higher side. 4. Shop is clean but kitchen which is at first floor doesn't give nice feeling about hygiene 5. Food is good. 6. There is no space for sitting. 7. Have a scope to grow but needs to work out on hygiene and attitude.

  • Aman Rocks

    Aman Rocks


    This was my grate experience when i went there. This shop has some insanely good snacks. Like kababs , chicken rolls etc. But the only fault in this place which is stopping me to give that place five star is that place ain't has some chair or furniture to eat on.

  • Vishu vishal

    Vishu vishal


    ZERO QUALITY, WORST HYGIENE, OVER PRICED because there's no one else in vicinity. I took this picture and on my complaint guy just moved the tray containing "paneer bread pakora" and not even bothered to ensure COCKROACH has gone. They don't even have provision for washing hang. If you really wanna check their sanitation then chk small doors right next to entrance. This is the place where this restaurant actually cook it's food.

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