SP Grand Days i Thiruvananthapuram

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IndienSP Grand Days


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Near New Flyover, Panavila Junction, Thycaud, Paund Colony, Thycaud, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala 695014, India
kontakter telefon: +91 471 233 3344
internet side: www.spgranddays.com
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Latitude: 8.4962132, Longitude: 76.9555764

kommentar 5

  • en

    ajith kumar


    This is a very good hotel with very good food and accommodation. The rooms are well furnished. The quality of food is excellent.The ambiance in the hotel is very good.It was located in the heart of the city. Anybody can easily locate this hotel. All staffs are well trained and very much helpful. Anybody can come and stay comfortabley in this hotel.

  • Ibrahim Sulaiman

    Ibrahim Sulaiman


    Has a basic standard of service. Rooms are good. The hall has two floors. A rooftop dining available. Pool with party area overlooking the main road.

  • en

    Hari Kumar


    Neat and clean. Centrally located and Easy to find. Went for a family get-together. Reserved buffet dinner for 12 people including a 3 year old. Good food. Adequate variety and special dishes to choose from. The main attraction had been in salads. Nice service from the staff. Reasonable price. Impression: satisfied and will recommend.

  • Maria Rebecca

    Maria Rebecca


    I remember going there for a family function long back. It was held in the roof top lawn and we simply loved the food and ambience. A week before we arranged a farewell party right after our graduation. We booked the hall & buffet for a DJ party. The staff was helpful and did necessary arrangements but was also a constant hindrance. We were repeatedly ask to reduce volume as 'their guests were sleeping'. I don't find this professional as we had clearly booked for a DJ party. These did actually dampen our party to an extend. They were painfully slow in refilling food items at the the buffet. Its seemed more purposeful than anything else. After paying for buffet, if this happens its definitely sadening. Due to time constraints most of us ate what was left and didn't complain. So I definitely recommend young people to think twice before hosting a party here. Maybe you can have a better choice?

  • Anish Lawrance

    Anish Lawrance


    Have had Buffet and have attended conferences in this hotel. Parking space is less and the valet would park your car on the road sides. Small dinner hall. Food was tasty. Staff are courteous. Dinner buffet costs around 650 rupees as on date. Good location.

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