Sree Padmanabha Swamy Temple Thiruvananthapuram i Thiruvananthapuram

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IndienSree Padmanabha Swamy Temple Thiruvananthapuram


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Padmanabhaswamy Temple Road, 695023, Thiruvananthapuram, Thiruvananthapuram, IN Indien
kontakter telefon: +91 471 245 0233
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Latitude: 8.4827846, Longitude: 76.9441823

kommentar 5

  • en

    Amarnath Raghavendran


    Very pious place, usually crowded. Traditional dress only, shops outside sell dress but better carry one. Spl darshan RS.250 for 2 adults + kids. Many shops outside. Temple website has all details

  • en



    Sri Padmanabhaswamy is one of the most popular temples in Kerala which is known worldwide for its architectural superiority. This temple is situated in Thiruvananthapuram and is dedicated to God Vishnu. It is constructed in Dravidian style in the 8th century.

  • en

    Dreamboy 123


    One of the top most visited temple in India. Lots of history and newly found underground rooms worth millions of gold and diamond jewels made more tourist attraction.

  • en

    Santosh Kulkarni


    Great holy place...Good bus services.. Great view and atmosphere...Get premium ticket which is not so high to avoid queue... Temple follows strict timings..So plan well before visiting...Any kind of electronic gadgets are not allowed inside the premises...

  • Prof. Arun C. Mehta

    Prof. Arun C. Mehta


    One of the richest temples of India which has got many gates. This is one of the famous temples of India which is said to have largest amount of gold in its treasure. Sree Padmanabha Swamy Temple has idols of lord Shiva. Please men do jot forget to put on Dhoti and women to put on Sari to enter inside the temple. Photography is strictly prohibited inside the temple and security on duty monitor it rigorously. Visit and worship. Please check the darshan time and plan accirdingly.

nærmeste Hindu Temple

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