Taj Chandigarh i Chandigarh

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IndienTaj Chandigarh


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Block No. 9, Sector-17 A, 17A, Sector 17, Chandigarh, 160017, India
kontakter telefon: +91 172 661 3000
internet side: vivanta.tajhotels.com
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Latitude: 30.7455624, Longitude: 76.7852158

kommentar 5

  • smhan



    Excellent service from all staff. Very comfortable rooms. Nothing less than expected for the price of the stay here. Hope to visit again soon!

  • Dr.Sunita Chauhan

    Dr.Sunita Chauhan


    One of the best hotel i stayed in.. The rooms of the hotel are so premium looking and have a luxurious feel to it.. The staff are kind and well mannered,just ask for something and they will try to get it done as soon as possible.. The room service is also great.. The breakfast and dinner buffet where my favorite as the food is delicious and has a tons of variety to it from Indian to continental cuisine are available here.. Loved staying here because of the location also as every famous chandigarh landmarks are nearby.. A five star hotel deserves a 5 star from my side!!

  • en

    Aparna Bhan


    The location of the hotel is peaceful and beautiful. I was greeted with warm staff at the gates and the entrance followed by a delicate and beautiful arrangement of flowers at the entrance of the hotel. The property is spacious with a wonderful layout plan. The front desk staff was cheerful, warm and quick with their service. The room was neat, clean and luxurious all at a very affordable price. There was a wonderful view of Rose Garden, which is just across the road from the hotel, from the room I stayed in. I strongly recommend people to stay here whenever they come to Chandigarh, even if it's for a day.

  • Aakash Garg

    Aakash Garg


    Wonderful hotel with good services and other facilities. It has nice and clean rooms with nearly all the facilities that a 5 star standard hotel should have. The staff here are helpful and are always available to served their guests. There is a lobby are with large number of heating space and with good views to relax your mind. This hotel also has a spa, a very spacious swimming pool and the gym center for the fitness freaks and many other aminities to make your stay feel royal in the hotel. This hotel has an amazing variety and quality of breakfast which should not be missed if someone is staying in this hotel. But on the other hand there are some place which lack in the quality standards of a 5 star rated hotel like the rooms are not very spacious since there are chances to get struck by the furniture in the room, the electric switches are not of good quality, the effect of a central room sir conditioner is also not very good as atleast it should be of a 5 star rated hotel and the most annoying thing the security guards at time of entrance will check all your belongings by opening it whenever you enter the hotel even during the stay also, and the quality of the lift is not up to the mark because the door closing sensors did not worked properly.

  • Maninder Singh Tuli

    Maninder Singh Tuli


    When you visit Taj hotel it means you are visiting 5 star hotel as they know how to maintain it. They are well organized, their food is very good, property is well maintained and best part is that it is in the heart of the city. A bit of work need to be done on technical part of halls as their mics, etc have some problem as my laptop is no more working due to high voltage given as input from their display cords.

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