The Gateway Hotel Ganges Varanasi i Varanasi

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IndienThe Gateway Hotel Ganges Varanasi



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Nadesar Palace Ground, Nadesar, Chaukaghat, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh 221002, India
kontakter telefon: +91 542 666 0001
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Latitude: 25.3360491, Longitude: 82.9863372

kommentar 5

  • en

    Hamish Forbes


    Dated decor and poor maintenance. Presently being refurbished which is badly needed. Dissapointing when compared with other hotels visited on our Indian trip. But food good!

  • en

    Indian Street Food


    Good hotel but not the best gateway property. Breakfast buffet is very average more like a 3 star hotel . The rooms are also not very plush and not all rooms have a desk to sit . Overall god for a stay but definitely not taj standard. The grounds are beautiful though and they have huge mango trees in their property. Swimming pool is a disappointment as it's only 4 feet deep.

  • Vijay Vikram

    Vijay Vikram


    Its always a pleasure to Enjoy the Tajness at any of their properties. This place is no different. The Hotel is centrally located and the staff is very courteous.

  • rishabh raj

    rishabh raj


    Nice Building structure, Nice Interiors and foreigners are treated really especially. Some of the people there aren't that welcoming and friendly but rest is good. You would be wanting to visit this place again. (Hey and food's pretty good too 😄)

  • Apoorv Jha

    Apoorv Jha


    The experience of living in this hotel is truly amazing. Whether talking about ambience or the staff,everything is awesome. The gardens in April or May bear different fruits which makes morning walks a truly enriching experience. Also this hotel is for shopaholics who can get a variety of handicraft saris and stuff under one roof. My experience of the Gateway hotel was "super-duper"awesome!!

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