The Landmark Towers Kanpur i Kanpur

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IndienThe Landmark Towers Kanpur


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10, The Mall, Civil Lines, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh 208001, India
kontakter telefon: +91 512 230 5305
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Latitude: 26.4742548, Longitude: 80.3479574

kommentar 5

  • Ankit Dixit

    Ankit Dixit


    One of the best place to stay in Kanpur. The hotel has almost all amenities like swimming pool, steam bath room, gymnasium, terrace bar, play and games area and a fine done restaurant. The service is quick and staff is courteous. The music by the Waterside is the special attraction, especially on Saturdays.

  • en

    Saurabh Kumar


    Excellent 5 star Hotel in Kanpur. It has everything for a nice weekend stay. The Hotel Staff is also good. In the Hotel you can look some 1857 revolt time things. Kanpur is one of the main centers of 1857 revolt. I am not sure that these old things have any connection from the revolt but definitely they are of 1857. Location of the Hotel is in the heart of Kanpur City and also near from the Kanpur Central Railway Station.

  • Swaprava Nath

    Swaprava Nath


    Too expensive and not enough in quantity. The portions are embarrassingly small. In the neighborhood there are plenty of better places in terms of price to performance.

  • en

    Pankaj Joshi


    I had the opportunity to have extended stays on multiple occasions years ago.. Though many things may have changed since, I hope and wish the change has been for better.. Some things won't change though, for example, the location.. It is located centrally, right in the heart of Kanpur.. Most advantageous for Shoppers and Business travelers.. The complex - Somdutt Plaza, of which the hotel building is a part, in itself is a large shopping complex..

  • What Mom Says

    What Mom Says


    The most upscale hotel in Kanpur. Good facilities. Decent staff. Good food. Multiple options for restaurants.

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