The Park Navi Mumbai i Navi Mumbai

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IndienThe Park Navi Mumbai



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1, Sector 10, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra 400614, India
kontakter telefon: +91 22 6758 9000
internet side:
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Latitude: 19.025015, Longitude: 73.0369429

kommentar 5

  • Gulshan Kumar

    Gulshan Kumar


    Amazing ambience and great place to host a buffet party or swimming pool side party. The rooms are very well done and all highway facing rooms have good view of green foliage. The rooms facing parsik hill also has interesting vistas to view. The pool is a great outdoor activity. Whereas the buffet options are many to try, and has various seating combinations to sit and dine. The front desk is always helpful.

  • en

    Jenis Shah


    Silent hotel. Clean and neat. Good for 2/3 days visit. Staff really good. Totally satisfied with their service. Food not that good . Repeated menu all th times . No other option for food hotel. Hotel not centrally a/c.

  • Priyank Khare

    Priyank Khare


    A good hotel with fancy interiors and comfy rooms. The restaurant is good too, yet to try the spa. I would give it a better rating but it still misses a few finer details that a high end hotel should always have.

  • en

    Takako Asaka


    all staff are nice and ready to help. great customer service! I loved that. I wanted to give 5 stars but maintenance was not so well. especially bathroom area. some fixture and appliance are getting old, shower room wall was molded here and there. they should change some bathroom accessories like garbage can, tissue box, amenity tray.. the most surprised part was cleaning people didn't take tips I left on the bed.. how sincere they are!

  • Suman Tiwari

    Suman Tiwari


    Nice hotel. Restaurant is good. Security of hotel is very nice as they scan whatever you are carrying. Staffs are friendly and rooms are clean. Swimming pool, gym and other facilities are good. Hotel is near to highway but sound proofing is done very well so you want hear any vehicles sound. Cons: no hair dryer in bathroom. No door eye present on hotel room gate. Little far from Malls and market.

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