The Peerless Inn Kolkata i Kolkata

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndienThe Peerless Inn Kolkata


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12, Jawaharlal Nehru Road, 700013, Kolkata, Kolkata, IN India
kontakter telefon: +91 33 4400 3900
internet side:
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Latitude: 22.5625409, Longitude: 88.3514007

kommentar 5

  • Ashikur Rahman

    Ashikur Rahman


    We stayed three nights there. Location is perfect if new market is your primary destination. Little costly than other hotels. But we got a good deal in agoda. Hotel has two wings. One is new and more expensive. We stayed in the older one. Room is big and clean and provided all the necessary amenities. However, receptionists need to improve their manner. There was no welcome drink. Also I found the food price is really high.

  • Dileep Sharma

    Dileep Sharma


    Good hotel. Centrally located. Staff is courteous. You can enjoy the key markets of Calcutta just by walking around few minutes from hotel.

  • Sibaji Chatterjee

    Sibaji Chatterjee


    Went for having lunch. There was a bengali food Festival going on in restaurant, Named "Aheli". Ambience was good with a live music fine dinning. Food was very good, tasty but price was too high in comparison to other star hotels. Rest overall experience was good. Keep it up.

  • Kaushik Chatterjee

    Kaushik Chatterjee


    Efficient hotel for most business travellers and also some leisure travellers. Good in house restaurants cater to house guests and outside diners too. Enough parking space. What scores most for them is location, location and location. Right in the heart of the city with access to cabs, metro, trams, buses, autos and a thriving, bustling market just on stepping out.

  • Ritu Kumar

    Ritu Kumar


    Good maintenance of the hotel.. located at a prime location.. easily connected with the city. A great view from the hotel. Good food with a marvelous service. Only WiFi speed condition is very poor.

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