The Residency Tower i Thiruvananthapuram

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndienThe Residency Tower



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South Gate of Secretariat, Press Road, Statue, Palayam, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala 695001, India
kontakter telefon: +91 471 233 1661
internet side:
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Latitude: 8.495243, Longitude: 76.950045

kommentar 5

  • Ashwin Joy

    Ashwin Joy


    AC rooms are lil expensive comparatively. It's accessible to Secretariat and u have a restaurant near to this, which is a real good try. They serve really good food, especially for breakfast. You walk down from here, you will enter few streets which have nothing there. There's a church nearby and unfortunately no movie theaters in its proximity. The manager is a really cool guy and service people are already there. They don't hesitate to provide u any help u need, even if it's about getting your clothes ironed.

  • en

    dr rajapaul


    Good services. Cordial from reception to security staff! Good food! Relatively low tariff when compared to the comforts Stayed many a times. Budget at the same time good services. I have recommended to my friends and arranged stay here for them!

  • Sudhin Venu

    Sudhin Venu


    A very nice place. The staff were really friendly and decent. The rooms and the auditorium were great. The toilets were well maintained and clean The lift works.

  • Stanly. T

    Stanly. T


    Old Hotel maintenance are good. Food is good. Bar is also good. Fish Biryani very tasty. Location is close to MG Road also best location. Staff fry office and Housekeeping are ver Support. Restaurant staff not great. Poor service in restaurant. But food is moving food. Taste good. You will not get old food as food crowd is here. If you go late for buffets of the item will be finished.

  • Sri C

    Sri C


    Rooms are clean. Well maintained. Very good Buffet for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Well maintained swimming pool. Very polite staff. Costly hotel

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