The Vivek Hotel i New Delhi

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IndienThe Vivek Hotel



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1534-50, Main Bazaar Pahar Ganj, Next to Khanna Cinema, Near Rama Krishna Ashram Metro Station, Aram Bagh, Paharganj, New Delhi, Delhi 110055, India
kontakter telefon: +91 11 2356 2901
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Latitude: 28.6411336, Longitude: 77.2126164

kommentar 5

  • Santosh Tiwari

    Santosh Tiwari


    Very safe place to stay in Pahadgunj New Delhi near the railway, bus and metro station But place is so crowded and their isn't parking for those who have their won vehicles. All rooms are decorated and have AC, TV, attach bathroom. Their isn't wheelchair access entrance and parking but their is lift in building. We can speak English, Nepali Hindi to booking hotel.

  • en

    A CM


    The place is not up to the mark for the price they charge when compared to other hotels in the area. The rooms are of medium quality and lift is of old age and dangerous when moving with family and kids. Behaviour of reception staff is ignorant and they always try to charges more if we don’t pay attention. I had an instance during my 6 days stay, when checking out the guy wants to charge more on particular days as he says the room was in demand. This was not even informed before. The bathroom is dirty and the premises is not well kept. Please try to avoid food from there roof top. They served rotten food and kitchen is a joke. There is always one or other disputes going on in the reception. There is a total room for improvement on every aspects. I will never check in there unless it’s the only hotel in town.

  • en

    Satendra Singh


    I would like to suggest to choose another hotel in case you find some other hotel. On the first two days of stay I have to change my room two times. Two days just went ,requesting them to provide me an AC remote. Breakfast quality was not good enough. Even if you want additional sugar , you have to remind them 2-3 times. Rude behaviour by few staff , however few staff was well behaved and apologize too for their rude behaviour. If you want them to clean their room, you have to tell them everything separately like clean washroom, change linen, collect waste from dustbin, change water, change glasses, provide soap , I mean everything. They will even hesitate to provide you clean towels. PLEASE DONT GO FOR THIS IF YOU CAN FIND SOME OTHER PROPERTY.

  • Amaljith P.P

    Amaljith P.P


    At 5 min walking distance from both New Delhi railway station and RamKrishna Marg metro station as well the bus stop has the same distance. It's situated in a residential area but there are plenty of hotels in the same area so you will find lot of foreign and local tourists in that area therefore need not to worry about the surrounding. For food both cheap and costlier options are available. On the way to metro there are bars and wine shop. Now the hotel is attached with a bar owned by them only and room service is available by them, so it's an cool thing for drinkers. Rooms are well furnished and air-conditioned plus refrigerator is there so over all room was good.

  • travel inks

    travel inks


    I stayed in this hotel. 3rd class service. the guys at the reception do not even know how to talk. waiter keep on peeping into the room every now and then. they also charge 10% service charge extra which is not on the bill and goes into waiters pocket. overall this hotel is not reliable. we were all the time worried during our stay in this hotel. we have a doubt that they have cameras installed in the rooms. do not stay in this hotel I've been travelling from 3 years and never seen a pathetic hotel service and staff like this.

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