Treebo Sahara i Pune

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndienTreebo Sahara



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Sr No 106/3a, Opp. J W Marriott, Senapati Bapat Road, Shivaji Nagar, Shivajinagar, Pune, Maharashtra 411016, India
kontakter telefon: +91 93228 00100
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Latitude: 18.536982, Longitude: 73.830378

kommentar 5

  • Priyanka Sinha

    Priyanka Sinha


    Although the staff is good, as compared to other treebo hotels at different locations, I did not find the hotel matching the "treebo experience". The room I got was a small and moderatly clean. Plug points had some issues. The location of the hotel is good and is striking feature which made me go for this hotel.

  • en

    Darshan Mujumdar


    Due to some goof up by Treebo customer care, I got the opportunity to stay in this hotel though i made by booking for Treebo Hill View. The check in was smooth, rooms are clean and nice with basic facilities. The food we ordered was good and tasty. The location is great, it is on the main road called S B road. Would like to come back.

  • Addvika



    Very much clean. Rooms are very big and clean. Staff and service very friendly. I was feeling safe there. Food is expensive. Overall amazing experience

  • Nikhil Joglekar

    Nikhil Joglekar


    The corridors can have better lights. The staff was kind and helpful. The rooms are a little small but maintained well. The Air conditioner was working well. The hotel does not have their own kitchen. If you order food from room service they will order it from a nearby restaurant and provide the plated and cutlery along with it.

  • king Slayer Savage

    king Slayer Savage


    So after much of research and comparisons, finally decided on Sahara. Booked through paytm so got Deluxe room for 1300/Night. Please ignore all the reviews which are so much negative. The hotel was very Safe and staff very friendly with us being unmarried couple. Room service is good and you can order outside food as well. Rooms are clean and spacious - Airy. Interior is very good. Just go for it Without a Hitch, its so well located. Breakfast as well was fine. Cant be too picky here.

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