Treebo Vice President i Ahmedabad

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndienTreebo Vice President



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Ashram Road, 380009, Ahmedabad, Ahmedabad, IN India
kontakter telefon: +91 93228 00100
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Latitude: 23.034802, Longitude: 72.569941

kommentar 5

  • en

    Kunal Kanani


    Very good budget hotel. Good amenities. Good breakfast. Nice location right in center of business district.

  • Samriddhi Jain

    Samriddhi Jain


    It was a pleasant stay. Room was fine. But the breakfast needs improvement. From this location the access to the tourist spots is easy.

  • en

    Kishor Asher


    This is cheater hotel. While booking at their official website, rates per day is shown is 1623 (tax included). On google rates given are 1818. But when you pay, they will charge you 2763 per day ( tax included ) This is nothing but cheating. So AVOID this hotel. This applies to all Treebo Group Hotels in India. On writing to their corporate office, I got reply. They told me that their prices are dynamic and subject to change. So if you decide to book or stay at any Treebo hotels in India, please think twice because they will change price on higher scale subsequently. Guest coming from other countries should consider this point before check in. Food is average. Hotel Pathikashram is best hotel in this category. Food is best at Pathika restaurant. Pathikaashram is owned by Government of Gujarat.

  • Pradeep Gupta

    Pradeep Gupta


    Managers at reception Mr Pavan Patel & Mr. Gupta took good care & are friendly. Stay was please tell & comfortable. They need to change the Air conditioners . Overall good & nice stay

  • tanweer alam

    tanweer alam


    Suitable place, in the city for business or family stay. Breakfast menu is simple but ample. Near by there are 2 cinema hall.

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