Visakhapatnam International Airport i Visakhapatnam

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndienVisakhapatnam International Airport


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Near by NAD, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh 530009, India
kontakter telefon: +91 89128 51109
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Latitude: 17.7217786, Longitude: 83.2274487

kommentar 5

  • en

    Balaji SSP


    Considering what it was few years ago, I must say that it is a fast developing place, with a spacious parking area and well connected to the main city. Still there is a lot is scope for improvement in terms of check in and boarding processes can be more organised,and waiting areas can be larger. Probably among the few airports that still puts a stamp on the cabin luggage.

  • sapan singh

    sapan singh


    Small, not an International Airport but its so much clean and maintained airport. 10 minutes free parking after wards it will be chargeable. It is situated beside national highway, thus very well connected to the city. It is well connected with Bengaluru Hyderabad and other important cities.

  • Student Doc Vishal

    Student Doc Vishal


    Everything is okey and airport is fine. But don't exchange money inside. The foreign exchange inside gives very old currency notes which is not acceptable across the globe 🌎 Thank you people. You can't fool anyone anymore 😊👍

  • Siddharth Sinha

    Siddharth Sinha


    The airport is reasonably well-designed and the staff working here are both very helpful and highly competent. There is, however, a major drawback to this terminal. There is not a single decent shop for either food or recreation, and one is liable to get very bored if one arrives a little too early for one's flight.




    One of the rapidly developing airports in India. Connectivity is there to almost all metro cities and few international flights are also available. Very few food stalls are available.. This is a military airport, Indian Navy's air station is in the vicinity, you can see their sorties flying close to you. Overall it's a great international airport for a city like Visakhapatnam commonly referred as Vizag.

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